Scarlet Security Group

Delivering excellence through customized security and risk management solutions, keeping you and your business safe.

NatPark Creative - SSRG

Brand Mood

Safety | Innovation | Security


Brand Development, Marketing Materials, Web Design


Tasked with taking a successful security and risk management company to a new level, our team created a sophisticated, polished, and trustworthy brand that matched their unique and high-end offerings.
NatPark Creative - SSRG
NatPark Creative - SSRG
The goal was to design a brand that reflected SSG’s values and how far they had come.
NatPark Creative - SSRG
NatPark Creative - SSRG
This was accomplished through an upgraded logo, enhanced visual story, and messaging that speaks to evolving and increasingly complex security needs of our society.
NatPark Creative - SSRG
NatPark Creative - SSRG
NatPark Creative - SSRG

Delivering excellence through customized security and risk management solutions, keeping you and your business safe.

NatPark Creative - SSRG